Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Copper Coil for Wort Chiller arrived!!!

Yay! The 5m length of copper coil I ordered from my plumber friend, Christophe for making my wort chiller arrived yesterday afternoon. Even better though, the 5m I ordered turned out to be 10m, for the same price!!!

Of course it was only polite invite Christophe in for a beer or two. His wife turned up at 8 looking for him.

I've unpacked it this morning and even though it is meant to be soft it still feels very rigid and I think it's going to give me some problems trying to coil it into a narrower diameter, taller coil. As it is it's slightly too wide to fit my wort boiler. I might have to enlist Christophe further to help with bending the tubing, he's got a van full of plumbing goodies including various bending jigs, former and tools.

More soon, with pics.

[EDIT] The pipe bent very easily. I'll do a proper update tomorrow with some photos!

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