Until a few days ago the mezzanine has mostly been a dumping ground for accumulated bits and bobs so I began tidying it up.
My plan to to build an enclosed area with a simple, lightweight roof up on the mezzanine. I think I can comfortably end up with a 12' x 8' area that should be plenty for the brewery, storage and fermentation cupboard.
I'll need to run a cold water feed which isn't a problem and the barn is already supplied with mains electricity.
The floor of the mezzanine is wood beams packed with slats and about 3" of hard clay. Above this (screwed down to the wooden beams) is a chipboard floor that we fitted 3 or 4 years ago.
Steps up to the mezzanine floor. |
Insulated base of the fermenting cupboard. |
Above the insulation is 18mm of chipboard. Once the cupboard is built I think I'll line it with something easily washable, either lino or maybe some plastic lambris - I forget what it's called in English.
The insulated fermenting cupboard base. |
The copper will empty to the fermenting vessel at floor level. I found a couple of wheeled dollies that will nicely take a standard fermenting bin and help with moving the filled fermenter over to the fermenting cupboard.
This is going to be a work in progress for some time, budget is a factor so I am trying to make as much as I can with various bits left over from our other projects during the renovation of the properties.
Watch this space for part two...
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